What to Expect at OBC

At Ottawa Bible Church, we love God and we love His Word. Because of these truths, we also love people. Our desire is to advance the Gospel within Ottawa and around Franklin County, and we believe that we can do this through a variety of ways. We gather. We worship. We preach. We love. We equip. We send out. Then, we repeat.

  • A typical Sunday at OBC begins with our 9:00 AM worship service in the sanctuary, which is also livestreamed on YouTube for those who prefer to watch from home.

    Following the service, join us for a churchwide breakfast from 9:45 to 10:45 AM in the Activity Center. Enjoy a warm meal of biscuits, gravy, eggs, and more while connecting with others in an informal setting.

    At the same time as our first service, we offer Kids and Adult Sunday School (9:00-10:05 AM):

    • Kids Sunday School (Pre-K to 5th grade) is held in the church basement, using the Answers in Genesis curriculum. A quick registration process is available downstairs upon arrival.

    • Youth Sunday School (6th-12th grade) meets upstairs in the Activity Center.

    • Adult Sunday School is typically held in an upstairs classroom in the Activity Center.

    Our second worship service begins at 11:00 AM in the sanctuary. During this time, we also offer Children’s Church (Pre-K through 3rd grade) in the basement. Kids are encouraged to attend after the worship portion of the service, with a quick registration process available.

    For those who enjoy radio ministry, we host a weekly program on KOFO Radio (103.7 FM) from 8:30-9:00 AM.

  • We want your first visit to OBC to be as welcoming and easy as possible!

    • Reserved guest parking is available near the main nursery entrance—look for the signage!

    • Stop by our front foyer to receive a free welcome gift and meet some of our team.

    • Fill out a YES Card (found in the pews) to help us get to know you, ask questions, or request more info. You can drop this off at the foyer on your way out in exchange for your gift!

  • We love kids at OBC and offer safe, engaging programs for all ages!

    • Nursery care is available during all services, with an easy check-in process at the west-side entrance (look for the “Nursery Below” sign).

    • Kids Sunday School (Pre-K-5th grade) and Children’s Church (Pre-K-3rd grade) provide age-appropriate Bible teaching and activities.

    • Teens (6th-12th grade) are encouraged to attend Sunday School and the main service, as we believe they are a vital part of the church today, not just its future.

    • On Sunday nights, The Stand Youth Ministry meets at 6:00 PM in the Activity Center (6th-12th Grade).

  • Our praise team leads us in 3-5 Gospel-centered songs each Sunday. Worship at OBC isn’t about emotions or performance—it’s about truth, focused on who Jesus is and what He has done.

    We sing songs that declare God’s character and His Word, encouraging our hearts and minds in worship.

  • Every Sunday, our pastor preaches directly from the Bible, focusing on who Jesus is, what He has done, and how He transforms lives today.

    • We teach from the NASB version of the Bible, but if you don’t have one, we’d love to give you a free Bible so you can follow along.

    • Our preaching is Bible-driven, meaning the goal is to let God’s Word shape the message—not for the pastor to use Scripture to fit an agenda.

  • Each service lasts about 60-70 minutes, but we encourage you to stick around afterward! Many people stay to chat, build friendships, and discuss the message. We’d love to connect with you!