OBC Leadership Team
Dakota Smith
Lead Pastor
Dakota moved to Kansas in January of 2020 after spending most of his adult life in Arizona. In high school, he was born again after a brief rebellion stage, and caught on fire for Jesus from that moment onward. For the last 16 years, Dakota has been motivated to "live sent" in the forms of evangelism, discipleship, and developing leaders. Educationally he has spent time at Phoenix Seminary and Grace School of Theology, having accomplished a Master's in Pastoral Ministry; he is currently finishing another degree with an emphasis in Biblical Studies. After serving in numerous ministry positions throughout his career, Dakota accepted the call to become Lead Pastor at Ottawa Bible Church. He and his wife, Shannon, are passionate about the town of Ottawa and Franklin County. They both feel convinced that God has moved them to Kansas in order to build a multi-generational ministry which will impact local families for years to come. Together, they have four children (Selah, Josiah, Hosanna, and Obadiah) and believe that ministry begins in the home before it moves out to the streets. They love traveling, hiking, camping, and various sports. Interesting fact: Dakota believes the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl every year. Pastor Dakota can be reached at: obcdakotasmith@gmail.com
Kyle Morris
Executive Pastor
Kyle moved to Kansas in October of 2020 to serve on staff at OBC. Kyle started interning in youth ministry at the age of 18 years old and attended Arizona Christian University. He earned a bachelors’ degree in Behavioral Health and a minor in Bible. SInce, Kyle has earned a Master's degree in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Kyle has served youth and families in many capacities including mental health services and on church staff. He served as Pastor of Student Ministries in Chandler, AZ for 5 years before joining Ottawa Bible Church. Kyle is joined by his wife, Kelsey and sons, Conrad and Everett. “Discipleship is not an option; it has to be the response of all those who follow Jesus Christ” - Pastor Kyle
David Glavin
Associate Pastor of Worship and Student Ministries
Pastor David’s family moved to Kansas from Pittsburgh Pa when he was ten years old and lived in several different towns in Kansas. He first came to Ottawa for collage in 2001. From 2001-2006 David served in various youth ministries while a student at Ottawa University. Answering the call to ministry after college he served for two years as associate pastor of youth and family ministries in Charles city Iowa. Moving back to Ottawa in 2009 David served as associate pastor at First Baptist Church in Ottawa. Shortly after marriage in 2013 the Lord called him into full time pastorate at New Hope Bible church in Wellsville Kansas where he served until 2017. While serving at New Hope they began building their family. David and Audrey have four children Krystayl, Kymberley, Eddie and Sawyer. After leaving New Hope David worked for five years in the trades and continued serving the Lord in a lay capacity in the church. David was called to serve as associate pastor of youth and worship at Ottawa Bible in 2023. Krystayl and Kymberley have graduated and moved out, leaving David, Audrey and the two youngest still living in Ottawa. The Glavin’s seek to grow together in faith and love of Jesus Christ, practice an active love for their church family while proclaiming the Gospel in Ottawa.
Fred Martin
Elder Team
Fred Martin and his wife Rhoda reside in rural Princeton, Kansas. Fred and Rhoda have been married since August 15, 1970 and the Lord has blessed them with four children and three grandchildren. Fred is a lifelong resident of Franklin County having graduated from Ottawa High School and Kansas State University. Rhoda was raised in Kansas City, Kansas and is a graduate of Washington High School and Kansas State University. Fred came to trust in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord shortly after his marriage to Rhoda and as a direct result of her faithful witness to our Lord. Rhoda’s firm trust in Christ and His written Word irritated him enough to cause him to read the Bible for myself! Although Fred had a church background from his youth, he considered the Bible to be a collection of fairy tales and fables. God used this passage from Matthew 7:21-23,”“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’” Fred was convicted of his guilt before a holy and Righteous God which lead him to the Mercy of Jesus Christ. The Martins began attending Ottawa Bible Church in the fall of 1977, a few months before the birth of their first child. They have served in many different ways at Ottawa Bible Church, including Youth Pastor and Interim Pastor (for 3 years!) and state they have been, in turn, ministered to by their friends. Interesting fact?? The farm on which Fred lives was purchased by his Great-Grandfather in 1872. Both his Grandmother and Father were born on this farm.
Al Seeger
Elder Team
Al grew up in a small rural town in Western New York. He came to Ottawa, Kansas in the early 70’s to attend Ottawa University and play soccer. After graduating he and Teri Higgins were married and made Ottawa their home. They were blessed with four children, Kara, Ryan, Tracy and Adam, and now enjoy spending time with their seven grandchildren. Although Al attended church while growing up in New York, he didn’t start a personal relationship with Jesus until his freshman year at Ottawa University. The Holy Spirit used the witness of several OU students who were walking with God, to show him that only knowing about God was missing the mark. His journey with Jesus began in the fall of 1971, during a revival in Wichita, KS. Al enjoys helping others and has been developing a couple of hobbies, woodworking and basket weaving. Other interests include spending time with friends and family, traveling, fishing and hiking in the mountains and woods. He and Teri started attending OBC in 1976 and have been active in the church ever since.
Gary Miller
Elder Team
married and live outside of Kansas. Gary was raised in Colorado for part of his childhood, but his parents eventually returned to Kansas in the mid-1960s. After graduating from Pomona High School, Gary attended Emporia State University and then the University of Kansas. He later transferred to and graduated from Washburn University. Pam was raised in Shawnee, Kansas, graduating from Shawnee Mission Northwest High School. She obtained both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Emporia State University. While attending grade school in Hooper, Colorado, Gary accepted Christ as his Savior. His spiritual growth was stagnant, though, and he drifted from fellowship with God during his high school and college days. He contributes the exemplary character and faith of his wife, Pam, as drawing him back to the Lord. She is a precious friend and trusted life companion to Gary. Pam and Gary began attending Ottawa Bible Church in February of 1990. They are so appreciative and grateful for God’s blessings in their lives and for the work He has done and continues to do through the church.
Aaron Nelson
Elder Team
Aaron has been a life-long Franklin county resident. He was raised in a good Christian home and came to know the Lord at a young age. Due to some misunderstandings of the Scriptures, he struggled with doubting his salvation. After years of struggling with doubt, the Holy Spirit revealed to him that it was not how earnest he was in praying some prayer, but rather where his confidence was. Knowing that he had no other hope than in the finished work of Christ, he was finally able to rest in that confidence. He is married to the love of his life, Pamela. The Lord has blessed them with three children, Raef, Kyle, and Creed. Raef and Kyle are with Him and they look forward to being reunited one day!
Ryan Crook
Elder Team
Mike Selman
Mike Selman lives southwest of Ottawa with his wife of 35 years, Kay. He was born in south Alabama and moved to Kansas when he was 9 and except for three years in North Carolina, has lived in Ottawa since. The Selmans have four children and three grandchildren. Both Mike and Kay graduated from Kansas State University. Mike grew up attending a local church in Ottawa and was comfortable with his religion. When he was in high school his friends invited him to their church’s youth group where they watched the movie “A Thief in the Night”. After learning of the events described in Revelation, for the first time, Mike knew his religion was not going to save him from the coming tribulation or spending eternity in hell. It was that night that he learned salvation was by faith not my works, Eph 2:8-10 and 1 Peter 1:18-19, and that he could be sure of his salvation John 10:27-30. Mike and Kay began attending Ottawa Bible when they moved back from North Carolina in 1990. Both Mike and Kay have served in several capacities since then and are thankful for a bible teaching church in which to raise their children. When Mike is not spending time with his grandchildren he enjoys woodworking projects and duck hunting.
Teri Seeger
Office Secretary
Teri Seeger was raised to believe in Jesus, but it took a serious car accident when she was 18 to wake her up to her need for something more than just believing. As her car spun in an intersection from the impact of being hit broadside by a city bus, her life flashed before her. Through this experience she realized a spiritual void in her life. Her car was totaled but she was told she was “lucky” to be alive by the ambulance attendants. As “luck” would have it, she attended Ottawa University the next fall and was led into a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior through the influence of her Christian roommate. This is also where she met her future husband, Al. They were married in 1975 and have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. Teri loves writing, gardening, bird watching, sunrises, sunsets, stargazing, and spending time with family and friends. Teri can be reached at: obchurch22@gmail.com
Jared Dean
Deacon Team
Ottawa native, Jared Dean, was raised in a Christian home and trusted Christ for salvation as a young child. He is humbled to be able to serve within the local body where he grew up. He is particularly passionate about apologetics ministries, which encourage believers to understand how they can have a reasoned defense for the hope that lies within them, with meekness and fear (1 Peter 3:15). One of his favorite books of the Bible is Ecclesiastes. Jared lives a few miles outside of town with his wife, Christina, and four children. A skilled tradesman, Jared has experience as a painter, builder, and mechanic. He currently works in maintenance. Jared enjoys legos, watching westerns, being outdoors, cutting wood, hunting, grilling, and spending time with his family.
Paul Rhodes
Deacon Team
Paul Rhodes was born and raised in Franklin County. His parents and sister all attend OBC. He is married to Rachel Rhodes and they have 6 children: Nathan, Jacob, Zadie, Gideon, Elsa, and Opal. Paul was saved at the age of 4 in his kitchen, with his mom helping him understand his need for Jesus as his Savior. Paul enjoys fishing with his kids, shooting with his family and friends, building projects around the house, gardening and lawn work, playing games both indoor and outdoor, and having just about anyone over for a meal or get together.
Bill Wilkins
Deacon Team
Bill Wilkins with his wife Lori and daughter Gwyneth have lived in Ottawa since 2005 and have attended OBC since early 2020. He grew up in the small farming town of Nash in northwest Oklahoma before graduating from Oklahoma State University and moving to Emporia KS in 1990. Bill came to faith in Christ as a young child but lived life much by his own accord into early adulthood. A realization of not putting full faith and trust in Christ resulted in a decision to do so in early 2001. It was the first time he truly came to the end of self and made Christ not just Savior but Lord as well. At that time he chose as a life verse Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” He acknowledges many people have come alongside and ‘lived sent’ in his life.
Jeff Meyer
Deacon Team
Jeremiah Arellano
Deacon Team
Rachel Rhodes
AWANA Director
Rachel Rhodes has deep roots in Franklin County. She began attending Ottawa Bible as a child after her family became involved in Awana. Rachel came to know, love, and serve Jesus as her Savior through Awana and discipleship at OBC, developing her enthusiasm for teaching the truths of the Bible. Rachel and her husband, Paul, have 5 children and live just outside of Ottawa. She enjoys cooking, feeding people, flowers and gardening, coffee, and peace and quiet.
Sarah Starrett
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Sarah grew up in Michigan and married her high school sweetheart, Chris, after college. She was raised in church, and was "saved" pretty much every summer at VBS...it wasn't until a Sunday school class as an adult where she fully understood grace, assurance and what it meant to fully trust God and received the gift of Jesus as her personal savior. Sarah and Chris moved to Kansas in 2007 and started attending OBC sometime in 2015. They have 3 amazing daughters. Madelyn is married and her husband is in the Navy. They are currently stationed in Sicily and will be moving to the states this fall. Gwen is in college working to earn a degree in History, and Adah is in Middle School. Having lived away from family, Sarah recognized the importance of Jesus-following adults in her kids' lives. She felt God calling her to help with the children's ministry and is thankful for the opportunity to partner with teachers and families to grow resilient disciples of Jesus. She believes that adults can positively impact children and families by being present, being rooted in God's word, and being real about the power of Jesus in their own lives.